5 Benefits of Microneedling for Aging Skin

5 Benefits of Microneedling for Aging Skin

Sun damage and a slowing metabolism can cause visible signs of aging, especially on your face. Luckily, there are a number of ways to rejuvenate your skin, and microneedling is champion among them. If you’re feeling frustrated with fine lines and sun spots, it might be time to consider your skin rejuvenation options. 

At Laughlin Plastic Surgery in Annapolis, Maryland, Dr. Daniel Laughlin helps protect and rejuvenate your skin with minimally invasive cosmetic skin treatments, including microneedling. 

How aging affects your skin 

It’s generally understood that as you get older, your skin begins to lose volume and elasticity. Throughout your adolescence and young adulthood, your body has a wealth of collagen and elastin to fall back on, and continues producing more to keep your skin, ligaments, and joints supple and stretchy. 

Aging slows down production of these proteins, and your body begins to spend what’s been stored away. Photoaging, or sun damage, is also a common cause of protein loss. Ultraviolet radiation damages skin right down to its structural DNA, leading to premature aging. 

Sun damage can lead to a number of skin conditions, including: 

5 Benefits of microneedling

If you’re considering treatment for aging skin, it’s important that you choose a treatment that addresses as many needs as possible. Microneedling is widely considered one of the best solutions for damaged skin; here’s why. 

1. It’s minimally-invasive 

While surgical solutions can deliver dramatic results, very few are eager to go under the knife to get them. Microneedling is minimally-invasive, meaning no incisions or stitches are necessary. Instead, a roller lined with fine, shallow needles is used topically to stimulate protein production. 

2. It tightens and tones 

While some treatments focus on resurfacing the skin, others aim to tighten it. Microneedling does both by drawing blood to the surface, where the platelets in your blood begin healing and rejuvenating your skin. 

3. It can treat other skin conditions 

Microneedling is remarkably versatile, and can be used to treat fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, melasma, and more. If you’re unhappy with multiple aspects of your complexion, microneedling might help with all of them. 

4. It requires little to no downtime

Depending on the depth of the needles, you might bleed or bruise, but most treatments don’t require significant downtime. Just wash your face with a gentle cleanser and make sure to wear sunscreen until your skin has fully healed. 

5. It can be repeated as needed

While microneedling can deliver impressive results, it takes time for your skin to heal, and regular treatment is necessary to achieve and maintain them. Luckily, microneedling can be done more than once, and can actually be a great way to slow down further signs of aging. 

Interested in trying microneedling for yourself? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Laughlin and his team by calling 410-205-5629, or visit the contact page for more options.

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